Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Student projects using Animoto

Well the class has just finished learning about the involvement of Louis Riel in the Rebellion of 1885. The students were in six groups researching the individuals on both sides of the rebellion. From their research students then showcased their learning in an Animoto video that they created. Initially, Animoto was not working at our school because of the proxy server restrictions that were set. However, with the help of the district tech guys, we got this working. The only part not working is the ability to listen to the music choice in Animoto...somehow you can't listen to your music before you select it. Hopefully we can get this resolved soon.

So below are the six animoto video. The class is seeking comments on their work.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Thanks for looking at them, please leave some feedback below!

1 comment:

  1. Six Groups of students like to participated in this Project making competition using Animoto. Every group did Fantastic job and full try to make the project superb. As we know that at the end only 1 group get the title of Winner. I don't know which one is winner but i like the work group 6. Well! superior papers com also have a lot of ideas related to such projects. Infect, that site is best where we can get the right solutions of the unsolved papers.
